Akashic Records Soul Journey

Rediscover who you really are, your greatest gifts, your greatest challenges, and the way back home to YOU.

Heal from burnout

Feel connected to yourself and to others again.

Feel inspired to create again.

Create magic in the world that only your unique light can make. 



The Akashic Records Soul Journey offers several programs to bring you home to who you really are. 

What are the Akashic Records and what is involved in the readings?

Can I just have a reading done? Yes!

Dr. Julie offers the Akashic Records Readings without the larger mentorship program. This package consists of the reading plus a 45-minute follow up call.

The Akashic Records Soul Journey 6-Month Spiritual Mentorship Program is designed to awaken the  sleeping lions. 

You know who you are. You have this burning passion and desire deep down to make a difference in the world, you have this feeling that you are meant for something bigger than you can imagine. And yet, you are afraid to act on those impulses. The thought of being that big, that loud, and that visible scares you to no end. You keep getting these nudges that you are meant for more, but you might have no idea that is what they are. Often these nudges manifest physically in the body.


Those nudges manifest as:


Physical exhaustion, lack of inspiration, overwhelm, anxiety, depression

Physical Pain

Back pain, neck pain, headaches, migraines, full body pain, anything that starts out of the blue could be a nudge. 


Any diagnosis you might have received: ADHD, Anxiety, IBS, SIBO, and PTSD are all diagnoses that commonly are actual signs of nudges that the body is giving you sleeping lions to awaken to your bigger purpose. 

In the Akashic Records Soul Journey 6-Month Spiritual Mentorship Program you will rediscover YOU.

All of the identities that you have attached to over the years will begin to unravel as you understand how and why you have created them. These identities are what have been keeping you small, keeping you as a sleeping lion rather than an awakened one. Once you understand that and how to disentangle yourself from them, you will begin to experience life in a whole new way. 


You will feel:

FREE to finally be YOU!

Inspired and creative because you will be freed from the old beliefs that had kept you from being in the space of flow.

Joy, Connection, Ease, and Flow

And it is from this place that your light will shine in the world, your roar will be heard, and the world will feel the impact of your light, that only your unique soul could bring. 

Are you ready to let your light shine? 

Dr. Julie is on a mission to guide sleeping lions home to their awakened selves. The world needs you to shine and roar NOW more than EVER. If you are feeling called, schedule a complementary Discovery Session now. 

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Let your Light Shine Today!

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